Replacing a Tile – Avoiding Disaster
You have gone through the Mesira (handover from the builder) and you hire a workman who damages a tile. No amount of skill can fix the tile. You head over to the Machsan, where the builder left extra tiles and you are a happy camper. The tile guy comes over to replace the tile and starts with his massive industrial demolition tile. You are thankful that the builder left you extra tiles “just in case”. The tile guy schleps out the tile and places it down and with horror you realize that the tiles are similar, BUT DON’T MATCH!
Many people do not go through the large pile of tiles and assume that the tiles left for you in your Machsan are what you might need one day. The builder’s staff shove the tiles in the Machsan, but it could be that the tiles are for another apartment or for the building’s use. Before your start replacing a time, ensure that the tile is a match in size and color and that the tile is not damaged. Even better, you might find that you can’t really store a lot of stuff in the Machsan and you might want to throw the tiles out to make space – don’t! Tiles are hard to match and in six months it is unlikely that you will find a match. When you are ready to do the repair, take the tiles out and lay them on the floor and view them next to the existing floor and make sure they are a perfect match. When the tile guy starts to break your tile, you will be confident that the replacement exists and matches your floor.